At the end of September 1939 ,the 199th Infantry Regiment, one of the three infantry regiments of the 57th Division, recently created in Wehrkreis VII (XXXX) became the upholder of the traditions of the List Regiment, the 16th Bavarian Infantry Reserve Regiment whose commander, Colonel List, was killed during the Great War.
After spending several months in Normandy, the 57th Infantry Division was permanently committed on the Eastern Front, particularly in the Kharkov sector at the end of 1941, and once again in the summer of 1943. At the beginning of 1944 the 57th was at Tcherkassy. It was in Belorussia, at Mogilev on the Dniepr, in May and June 1944 that the 199th all but ceased to exist in the fighting. The traditions of the old 16th Bavarian were kept up by the 19th Grenadier Regiment (7th Infantry Division on 31 August 1944).